Friday, May 9, 2014

What being a leader truly means

  1. A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. —Douglas MacArthur

What Being a Leader Truly Means
By: Chris Arienti

     There are many ways to define a leader, and many facets that actually do. If you think about the greatest leaders in history, John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, you think about great men and women, although not perfect, who were leaders in their own right. What did they all have in common? What made these leaders different than their predecessors? What was it they had?

     Great leaders are both born and made, and all carry with them the same traits. Below is a list of the 10 ten things that make great leaders great.

1. Trust - a leader must have the trust of those whom he/she intends to lead. People must believe in what you are doing, and why you are doing it.

2. Commitment - Those whom you lead must never be in a position to questions their leaders commitment to the cause, no matter what it is. A leader must put his/her people's agenda ahead of their own.

3. Honor - it goes without saying that honor is a very redeemable quality to have, for any person. As a leader, honor is displayed by the care one puts into his/her actions.

4. Courage - being afraid is not the antithesis of being courageous... in fact, quite the contrary. Having courage is defined by being afraid, but doing it anyway.

5. Mental fortitude - Leaders are not always the physically strongest in the room, but they are often the strongest mentally. Being able to handle pressure and thrive is something others will look to in their leaders, and will expect them to respond.

6. Decisiveness - a leader must be able to make a decision that is in the best interest of the people who have given him/her the position in the first place. A leader makes decisions for the good of the group and not him/her self, and can do it quickly when necessary, without wavering.

7. Confidence - even when you think you can't... well, think you can, because either way, you are correct.

8. Positivity - being able to draw people in, and get them to accept your ideas, comes at its very base from attitude. A positive attitude creates a sense of positive energy and feel. This is something people around you will be drawn to, and will follow you for. Think about it...

9. Passionate - people act on emotion, not evidence. One's passion is the highest level of one's commitment to the cause. That fervor is what stirs emotions and gets people to act.

10. Humor - you will see this on every list of leadership their is, because it is linked to another important aspect of being a leader: moral. When times are tough, those whom you lead will look to you and gauge their reactions accordingly. A little humor in times of trouble can go a long way in keeping the "troops" motivated and connected, and keeping everyone going in the face of adversity.

This is just my list... create your own, live by what you write, and be the kind of leader others want to follow and support. Good luck!